In Egypt, in whose ancient Christian past there had once been many grand monasteries, there once lived a monk who befriended an uneducated and simple peasant farmer. One day this peasant said to the monk, “I too respect God who created this world! Every evening I pour out a bowl of goat’s milk and leave it out under a palm tree. In the evening God comes and drinks up my milk! He is very fond of it! There’s never once been a time when even a drop of milk is left in the bowl.” Hearing these words, the monk could not help smiling. He kindly and logically explained to his friend that God doesn’t need a bowl of goat’s milk. But the peasant so stubbornly insisted that he was right that the monk then suggested that the next night they secretly watch to see what happened after the bowl of milk was left under the palm tree. No sooner said than done. When night fell, the monk and the peasant hid themselves some distance from the tree, and soon in the moonlight they saw how a little fox crept up to the bowl and lapped up all the milk till the bowl was empty. “Indeed!” the peasant sighed disappointedly. “Now I can see that it wasn’t God!” The monk tried to comfort the peasant and explained that God is a spirit, that God is something completely beyond our poor ability to comprehend in our world, and that people comprehend His presence each in their own unique way. But the peasant merely stood hanging his head sadly. Then he wept and went back home to his hovel. The monk also went back to his cell, but when he got there he was amazed to see an angel blocking his path. Utterly terrified, the monk fell to his knees, but the angel said to him: “That simple fellow had neither education nor wisdom nor book-learning enough to be able to comprehend God otherwise. Then you with your wisdom and book learning took away what little he had! You will say that doubtless you reasoned correctly. But there’s one thing that you don’t know, oh learned man: God, seeing the sincerity and true heart of this good peasant, every night sent the little fox to that palm tree to comfort him and accept his sacrifice.”
The Tale of the Prayer and the Little Fox- from the little prologue.
What saves and makes for good children is the life of the parents in the home. The parents need to devote themselves to the love of God. They need to become saints in their relation to their children through their mildness, patience and love. They need to make a new start every day, with a fresh outlook, renewed enthusiasm and love for their children. And the joy that will come to them, the holiness that will visit them, will shower grace on their children. Generally the parents are to blame for the bad behaviour of the children. And their behaviour is not improved by reprimands, disciplining, or strictness. If the parents do not pursue a life of holiness and if they don't engage in spiritual struggle, they make great mistakes and transmit the faults they have within them. If the parents do not live a holy life and do not display love towards each other, the devil torments the parents with the reactions of the children. Love, harmony and understanding between the parents are what are required for the children. This provides a great sense of security and certainty.
The behaviour of the children is directly related to the state of the parents. When the children are hurt by the bad behaviour of the parents towards each other, they lose the strength and desire to progress in their lives. Their lives are constructed shoddily and the edifice of their soul is in constant danger of collapsing. Let me give you two examples.
Two sisters came to see me. One of them had gone through some very distressing experiences and they asked me what was the cause of these. I answered them: 'It's because of your home; it stems from your parents.' And as I looked at the girl I said:
'These are things you've inherited from your mother.'
'But,' she said,' my parents are such perfect people. They're Christians, they go to confession, they receive Holy Communion and we had a religious upbringing. Unless it is religion that is to blame...'
I said to them:
'I don't believe a word of all that you're telling me. I see one tiling only, and that is that your parents don't live with the joy of Christ.'
On hearing this, the other girl said:
'Listen, Maria, the Father's quite right. Our parents go to confession and receive Holy Communion, but did we ever have any peace at home. Our father was constantly complaining about our mother. And every day either the one refused to sit at the table or the other refused to go out somewhere together. So you see what the Father is saying is true.
'What's your father's name?' I asked her,
She told me.
'What's your mother's name?'
She told me.
'Well,' I said,' the feelings you've got inside you towards your mother are not at all good.'
You see, the moment she told me her father's name I saw his soul, and the moment she told me her mother's name, I saw her mother and I saw the way her daughter looked at her.
Another day a mother came to visit me with one of her daughters. She was very distressed and broke down in tears.
'What's the matter?' I asked.
'I'm in total despair over my older daughter. She threw her husband out the house and deceived us all with a pack of lies.'
'What kind of lies?' I inquired.
'She threw her husband out the house ages ago and she didn't tell us anything. We would ask on the phone, "How's Stelios doing?', and she would reply, "Oh, he's fine. He's just gone out to buy a newspaper." Each time she would think up some new excuse so that we wouldn't suspect anything. And this went on for two whole years. A few days ago we learned the truth from Stelios himself when we bumped into him by chance.'
So I said to her:
'The fault's your own. It's you that's to blame, you and your husband, but you most of all.'
'What do you mean!' she said indignantly. 'I loved my children to the point that I was never out of the kitchen. I had no life of my own at all. I took them to the church and I was always telling them the right thing to do. How can you say that I'm to blame?'
I turned to her other daughter who was with her and asked:
'What do you think about the matter?'
'The Father's right, Mum,' she said. 'We never ever enjoyed a single day when you weren't quarrelling with Dad.'
'Do you see then, how I'm right? It is you that are to blame. You traumatised the children. They are not to blame, but they are suffering the consequences.'
Wounded by Love: The Life and the Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios, trans. by John Raffan (Limni, Evia, Greece: Denise Harvey, 2005), 195-205.
Ο Αντίχριστος, επειδή είναι εχθρός του Θεού, επιθυμεί να χαθούμε όλοι και αυτός ο τύρανος θα χρησιμοποιήσει όλους τους τρόπους για να πάρουν όλοι τη σφραγίδα του θηρίου, μόλις θα έρθει για να παραπλανήσει όλο τον κόσμο. Να προσέχετε αδελφοί μου, τους διάφορους πονηρούς τρόπους που θα χρησιμοποιήσει το θηρίο. Η αρχή γίνεται από την κοιλιά, ώστε όταν κανείς βρεθεί σε δύσκολη θέση, αφού δε θα έχει τροφές, θ' αναγκαστεί να πάρει το σφράγισμα του Αντίχριστου στο δεξί χέρι και στο μέτωπο, όχι τυχαία, αλλά για να μην μπορεί ο άνθρωπος να κάνει με το δεξί του χέρι το σημείο του Σταυρού, και να μην μπορεί να σημειώνει το Άγιο όνομα του Κυρίου στο μέτωπο. Επειδή ξέρει ο πανάθλιος, ότι όταν ο άνθρωπος σφραγισθεί με το σημείο του Σταυρού, ελευθερώνεται ο άνθρωπος απ' τις δυνάμεις του διαβόλου. Γι αυτό το λόγο σφραγίζει το δεξί χέρι του ανθρώπου"
Give to every man that asketh of thee. (Luke 6:30)
This is one of the first Christian commandments. The Lord and His holy Apostles often remind us of it, and in order that we may be the more earnest to act upon it, they encompass it with the most moving incentives and the most striking admonitions. There is no one who is not familiar with this commandment, and everyone should act in accordance with their conscience to help the needy as far as they are able. If we examine our actions more closely, however, we shall not find any other area of Christian duty which is so shamefully neglected. Certainly, we do a little here and there -- just enough to get rid of the tiresome suppliant; sometimes we refuse altogether -- which is, in fact, more often the case. Our conscience somehow remains calm; it is silent and does not reprimand us for not helping -- or for extending such meager help. Why is this? Our sinful soul has adopted a calculated understanding of poverty which comes to mind in situations calling for our help. It frustrates our good intentions to the extent that not only does our conscience remain silent at our refusal -- or feeble beneficence; we even convince ourselves that we do better in evading the petitioner.
What have we not thought up, in our selfishness and avarice, to justify our coldness and hardheartedness towards those in need! We attribute ulterior motives to the one asking for help; we suspect his needs are not genuine; we think of what we lack, of hard times and the need to store up for a rainy day…All of these thoughts wander through the minds of those who are careless towards their obligations as Christians; they even enter the minds of those who are mindful and often throw them off the right path of action. Do we want to give freedom and space to feelings of tenderhearted compassion, not to allow them to be darkened by falsehoods? Then let us tear away these prejudiced thoughts and restore a healthy Christian attitude towards the giving of alms. Planting this firmly in our mind and keeping it clearly before us, especially when our assistance is called upon, we shall perfect the carrying out of this duty. Then we shall be able to hear the words: “Thou good and faithful servant.” Let us do this now, so that once and for all, having rejected what is wrong, we shall settle upon what is right.
The moment we find ourselves called upon to give help, the thought strikes us: Is this person really in need? who knows him? Perhaps this is a routine practice and he isn’t needy at all. We believe these thoughts and - either we turn aside altogether, or we help only minimally. Is this right? It’s true; there are cases which support our skepticism. But are we sure that the person standing before us with his request is a case in point? If we do not know this for a fact, why do we jump to conclusions and, even worse, act upon our unfounded suspicions? In fact, this may be a mother who has hungry children at home, or a husband whose wife is ill and his children in rags; perhaps it is the eldest of several homeless and helpless orphans; of a similar unfortunate soul. In such cases, of course, we would be willing to give help We must regard everyone, who approaches us for the first time, in like manner, and not grieve them with our suspicions. What if the person, whose heart is already burdened, should read in our eyes such distrustful thoughts? This would only add to his misery, and instead of being consoled, he would walk away from us with an even greater burden.
Today there is a widespread attitude of suspicion towards the poor. We must react to this with the following resolve: to make certain about those who have no cause to ask for help, and not to give to such a person; but to deny help to everyone simply because there are those whose demands are unjustified -- this is a sin.
When faced with an opportunity to give, we sometimes ask ourselves: with what? We can barely make ends meet ourselves. When there’s nothing to give, how can we feel obligated? The Apostle says we are to give out of our abundance: “For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened” (II Cor. 8:12). But is it really true that we have nothing left after our own needs are satisfied? And are we being honest in defining what it is we cannot do without? What we consider to be “essential” may easily be reduced or expended. If we eliminate those “needs” which arise out of habit, whim, vainglory, the empty demands of the world, our passions…how much we shall have left for the use of charity. Even if we have already cut down on nonessentials, where there is a desire to give, good will always find means to set aside something for Christ.
One also often hears the criticism: Why are they uselessly loafing about? They should work and earn their daily bread.” A reasonable demand. Even the Apostle enjoins us to work with our hands so that we might satisfy not only our own needs but also have something to give away (Eph. 4:28). With this rationale we can easily dissuade ourselves from offering charity. Are we so certain, however, that whoever asks for help is able to work, or can find work? He may work and still be unable to meet his needs, especially if he has many mouths to feed…
People give all sorts of reasons to excuse their lack of charity, their hardheartedness! Some say, “hard times.” But if the times are hard for those who have a sufficiency, how much harder are they for the poor?! This pretext alone should lead one to give all the more generously. Another says, “I have to save for a rainy day.” Even so, this must have its limits. Otherwise our projected future needs will never allow us to help the poor in their immediate and very real distress. Furthermore, does the future depend on our prudence or on God’s Providence? Of course, on Providence. Let us, then, draw upon ourselves God’s mercy through extending mercy towards those in need; thereby we shall have real security for the future…Yet another says, “Someone else will meet his needs,” and he sends away the suppliant. But will another meet his needs, or will he also say, “Someone else…” and a third, “Someone else…” and so on? This is to leave the poor to the mercy of fate. No. The Lord sent this needy person to you; it is you who should help him. Do not miss an opportunity which may never repeat itself…
You see how many cunning rationales the devil has devised to deter even well-meaning people from charitable deeds. We have to admit that we have all, to a greater or lesser degree, succumbed to them at times. Let us resolve in our hearts not to give in to them anymore… How will these weak excuses hold up before God’s righteous judgment? The Christian mind and the Christian heart should not look upon poverty and the poor in this way. A true Christian adopts the mind of Christ…and carries the law of God in his heart to guide him in his actions Such a one regards the poor as Christ’s “lesser” brethren, or as Christ Himself Who draws close to us through them and accepts what is offered to them as being given to Him…
Let us maintain a charitable disposition and chase away all unkind thoughts. Then our heart will not allow us to break God’s commandment, Give to every man that asks of thee, and it will always urge us to be gracious, to love our brothers, to be courteous (I Peter 3:8), to be filled with compassion and kindness (Col. 3:12), and zealous to be merciful, even as our heavenly Father is merciful.
Κάποτε πού ήταν στην Αιδηψό καί έκανε μπάνια, ξυπνούσε άπό τίς 3 τά χαράματα καί προσευχόταν. Ενα πρωί διηγήθηκε ότι τήν προηγούμενη βραδιά τόνεπισκέφθηκαν γνωστοί κεκοιμημενοι, οί όποιοι τού έδωσαν τά ονόματα τους, γιά νά προσευχηθεί.
Ενας άπό αυτούς κάθισε δίπλα του στό κρεβάτι καί ήταν τόσο παγωμένος, πού μετά έκανε 5 ώρες νά συνέλθει άπό τό ψύχος.
" Ήταν, λές καί τόν είχαν βάλει στην κατάψυξη..."
Άπό τότε έλεγε ότι θά προσευχηθεί στον Θεό, γιά νά του δείξει πώς ζουν οί δίκαιοι καί πώς ζουν οί άνθρωποι οί οποίοι πάνε στην Κόλαση, δηλαδή εκείνοιπού σώζονται καί εκείνοι πού βρίσκονται μακριά άπό τή Χάρη του Θεού.
Έπειτα άπό ένα χρόνο δυνατής προσευχής, ό Θεός του έδωσε αυτή τή δυνατότητα. Σε μία άπό τις συναντήσεις μέ πνευματικά του παιδιά στή Μονή Δαδίου(27.7.2002), ρώτησε μετά τή θεία Λειτουργία του Αγίου ενδόξου Μεγαλομάρτυρος Παντελεήμονος αν γνωρίζουν τί είναι Κόλαση. Κάποιος τού απάντησε:
-Γέροντα, γνωρίζουμε ότι ή Κόλαση, όπως διηγείται τό Ευαγγέλιο, είναι ό χώρος όπου πηγαίνουν οί άνθρωποι πού δέν αγάπησαν τόν Θεό καί δέν τήρησαντις εντολές Του. Καί έχουμε αυτή τήν πληροφορία επίσης άπό τους Πατέρες.
-Ναί, άλλα αυτά είναι θεωρητικά, απάντησε. Έγώ θά σας πώ τήν εμπειρία πού είχα, όταν πρίν άπό λίγο καιρό μέ οδήγησε ό Άγγελος μου στις πύλες τηςΚολάσεως καί είδα έκεί τούς κολασμένους πώς ζουν. Καί εις άπόδειξιν αύτού, σας δείχνω τό σημάδι στό χέρι μου. Αυτό τό σημάδι τό έπαθα, όταν βρέθηκαστίς πύλες της κολάσεως.
Σάν νά έφυγε ή φωτιά άπό τόν πύρινο ποταμό καί μου δημιούργησε ένα μικρό έγκαυμα, γιά νά καταλάβω ότι αυτό τό οποίο μού συμβαίνει δέν είναι ψέματα, ούτε όραμα, ούτε ψευδαίσθηση, άλλα μιά πραγματικότητα, τήν οποία μέ βοήθησε ό Άγιος Άγγελος μου νά τή δεχτώ, νά τήν κατανοήσω καλύτερα, νά τήνπιστέψω περισσότερο, καί νά σας τή διηγηθώ...
Καί τους αφηγήθηκε πώς είδε τους ανθρώπους πού βρίσκονται στην Κόλαση, νά κολυμπούν μέσα σ' έναν πύρινο ποταμό, ενώ τό σημάδι πού απέκτησε, σάνμιά ουλή, ήταν λίγο πιό πάνω άπό τόν καρπό του.
Στή συζήτηση επάνω, είπε καί τά έξης:
- Ό κάθε άνθρωπος άπό εσάς έχει έναν Άγγελο πού τόν συνοδεύει. Αλλά προσέξτε, παιδιά, Άγγελο έχουν μόνο οί βαπτισμένοι. Οί άβάπτιστοι δέν έχουνΆγγελο φύλακα.
Πολλές αρρώστιες που δεν βρίσκουν οι γιατροί από τι είναι, μπορεί να είναι από κατάρα. Τι να βρουν οι γιατροί, την κατάρα;
Μια φορά μου έφεραν στο Καλύβι έναν παράλυτο. Ολόκληρος άνδρας δεν μπορούσε να καθήση. Το κορμί του ήταν τεντωμένο σαν ξύλο. Τον κουβαλούσε ένας στην πλάτη και ένας άλλος τον κρατούσε από πίσω. Του έβαλα δυό κούτσουρα και ακουμπούσε λίγο ο καημένος. Μου λένε αυτοί που τον συνόδευαν: "Από δεκαπέντε χρονών παιδί είναι σ' αυτήν την κατάσταση και έχουν περάσει δεκαοκτώ χρόνια από τότε". "Μα πως στα καλά καθούμενα να το πάθη αυτό; είπα. Δεν μπορεί, κάτι συμβαίνει". Έψαξα από δω-από 'κει και βρήκα ότι κάποιος τον είχε καταρασθή. Τι είχε συμβή; Κάποτε πήγαινε με το αστικό στην σχολή του και καθόταν σε μια θέση τεντωμένος. Σε κάποια στάση μπήκε ένας ηλικιωμένος παπάς και ένα γεροντάκι και στάθηκαν όρθιοι δίπλα του. Τότε του είπε ένας: "Σήκω, να καθήσουν οι μεγάλοι". Αυτός τεντώθηκε ακόμη περισσότερο στο κάθισμα, χωρίς να δώση σημασία. Οπότε το γεροντάκι που στεκόταν όρθιο του λέει: "Τεντωμένος να μείνης και ποτέ να μην μπορής να καθήσης". Και η κατάρα έπιασε. Βλέπεις, είχε αναίδεια ο νέος. Σου λέει: "Γιατί να σηκωθώ, αφού την πλήρωσα την θέση;" Ναι, αλλά και ο άλλος πλήρωσε και είναι ηλικιωμένος, σεβάσμιος, και στέκεται όρθιος και εσύ είσαι μικρό παιδί, δεκαπέντε χρονών, και κάθεσαι. "Από αυτό είναι, του λέω. Κοίταξε να μετανοήσης, για να γίνης καλά, χρειάζεται μετάνοια". Ο καημένος, μόλις το κατάλαβε λίγο και το αναγνώρισε, αμέσως τακτοποιήθηκε.
Πόσα από αυτά που συμβαίνουν σήμερα είναι από κατάρα, από αγανάκτηση. Και όταν εξοντώνωνται ολόκληρες οικογένειες ή πεθαίνουν πολλά άτομα από μια οικογένεια, να ξέρετε, είναι ή από αδικία ή από μάγια ή από κατάρα. Ένας πατέρας είχε ένα παιδί που όλο γύριζε. Μια φορά του λέει αγανακτισμένος: "Να έλθης μια και καλή". Το παιδί εκείνο το βράδυ, καθώς ερχόταν στο σπίτι, ακριβώς έξω από την πόρτα, το χτύπησε ένα αυτοκίνητο και έμεινε στον τόπο. Τον πήραν οι φίλοι του σκοτωμένο και τον πήγαν μέσα στο σπίτι του. Ήρθε μετά ο πατέρας στο Καλύβι και έκλαιγε. "Το παιδί μου σκοτώθηκε έξω από την πόρτα του σπιτιού μου", έλεγε. Από 'δω-από 'κει, μετά μου λέει: "Του είχα πει μια κουβέντα". "Τι του είπες;" του λέω. "Αγανάκτησα που ξενυχτούσε και του είπα: "Να έρθης μια και καλή!" Μήπως ήταν απ' αυτό"; "Εμ, από τι ήταν; του λέω. Κοίταξε να μετανοήσης, να εξομολογηθής". "Αυτήν την φορά να έρθης μια και καλή", του είπε, και το παιδί το έφεραν νεκρό. Άντε μετά να χτυπιέται ο πατέρας.