1. As many lights and burning lamps are kindled by the fire, but all the lamps and lights are lighted up from one nature. Thus Christians also are lighted up from one nature, and shine, from the Divine fire, the Son of God; and have these lamps flaming in their hearts, and shine before him while on earth, even as he himself. 2. Christians therefore are lights that have the oil in themselves, that is, " the fruits of righteousness." But if they are not lighted up from the light of the Godhead in themselves, they are nothing. The Lord was a burning light through the Spirit of the. Godhead abiding substantially in him, and inflaming his heart according to his human part. 3. For as a rotten bag that is filled with pearls, so are Christians also, who being outwardly despicable, have in the " inward man the pearl of great price." But others are like whited sepulchres, without indeed they are beautiful; but within are full of dead mens' bones. They are dead before GOD, and clothed with all manner of shame and filth, and the darkness of the enemy. 4. The Christian ought at all times to be mindful of God. For it is written, " You shall love the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart;" that he may not only love the Lord, when he goes into his oratory, but that even when walking, and in company, and when eating, he may retain the memory of GOD, and a natural affection for him. Indeed to what thing soever the heart of any one is linked, that is his god. If the heart at all times desires GOD, he is the Lord of the heart. But if any one that has outwardly renounced all, and is stript of his possessions, yet is wedded to himself, or to worldly desires; wheresoever his heart is chained, that is his god. And he is found to have come out of the world indeed through the broad gate, but through a wicket to have gone in again. 5. But if a man at all times cleave fast unto the Lord, and places his confidence and hope upon him; then none can hurt him: for though the devils are strong as the strong mountains, they are burnt by prayer, as wax by fire.. Yet in the mean time great is the struggle and fight that lies upon the soul against them. There are the rivers of dragons, and the mouths of lions. But the fire of love burneth up all.
6. As a man that is a complete worker of evil, is insatiable after mischief; so Christians that have been baptized into the Holy Spirit, are insatiable after God. Yet while they have a mixture of sin, they are liable to fear, and travel through frightful places. 7. For as merchants, though they have now a fair wind, and a smooth sea, are in fear, lest on a sudden there should be a contrary wind, and the sea grow tempestuous: so Christians, though they have in themselves the favorable wind of the Spirit blowing, yet are in concern, lest the wind of the adverse power should rise upon them, and stir up a tempest in their souls. There is need therefore of great industry, that we may come to the haven of rest, to the perfect world, to eternal life and pleasure, to the " city of the saints, to the heavenly Jerusalem, to the church of the first-born." 8. Nor ought we to be secure. For as a garden that is set with fruit-trees, and sweet-smelling plants, and all well laid out and contrived with beauty, and has withal a little wall for an hedge, to keep it; if -it should so fall out that a rapid river runs by it, and by little and little dissolves the foundation, having once gained entrance, it roots up all that was planted. Even thus is the heart of man; it has good thoughts and desires, but there are rivers of corruption ever approaching. And if the mind but a little give way to unclean thoughts; lo, the spirits of error have entered in, and overturned all the beauties that were there, and laid the soul waste. 9. As the eye is little beyond all the members, and yet contains the heaven, the stars, the sun, the moon, cities, and other creatures; for all these are seen under one, are formed and imagined in the pupil of the eye. Thus also the heart is a little vessel. And yet there are dragons, and there are lions, the poisonous beasts, and all the treasures of wickedness, and there are rugged ways, and precipices. In like manner there is GOD, there are the angels; there is the life and the kingdom; there is the light, there are the treasures of grace: there are all things. 1O. And yet many find them not. For as when the alarm of war is sounding, the wise-men, and the great ones were not there; but the poor, and the unlearned are sent forth; and they work a victory over their enemies, and receive from the king the rewards of their victory, and crowns, and dignities. Thus also is it in heavenly things. It is the poor and unlearned from the beginning, that love the truth, do what it requires, fight the good fight, and receive from GOD the grace of his Spirit. But the wise and great flee the war; neither do they make any progress, and consequently are left behind them who have fought and overcome. And the Lord has promised, a Where I am, there also shall these my servants be." And they shall reign together with the Father, and with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit, even to ages of ages? Amen.
- Γέροντα, πώς επικοινωνούν πνευματικά από μακριά οι άνθρωποι;
- Γράφουν κανένα γράμμα ή με ασύρματο ή με σήματα μορς!...
- Δηλαδή, Γέροντα;
- Για να υπάρξει πνευματική επικοινωνία μεταξύ των ανθρώπων, πρέπει να εργάζωνται στην ίδια συχνότητα. Αυτό δεν μπορούν να το πιάσουν οι επιστήμονες . Θυμάσαι εκείνο το περιστατικό που αναφέρω στους «Αγιορείτες Πατέρες»; Μια μέρα ένας μοναχός θα πήγαινε να επισκεφθή έναν Πατέρα στην Καψάλα και σκεφτόταν: «Τί να του πάω για ευλογία;». Οικονόμησε λοιπόν δύο ψάρια και τα καθάριζε, για να του τα πάη. Εν τω μεταξύ ,ο άλλος είχε λάβει την πληροφορία από τον Θεό για την επίσκεψη του αδελφού και σκεφτόταν: «Τώρα που θα ‘ρθη, τί να τον φιλέψω;». Την ώρα λοιπόν που ο αδελφός καθάριζε ψάρια, ένας κόρακας ήρθε ξαφνικά, του πήρε το ένα ψάρι και το πήγε στον άλλον στην Καψάλα –απόσταση πεντέμισι ώρες. Το καταλαβαίνετε; Ο ένας σκεφτόταν πώς να αναπαύση τον άλλον και ο κόρακας μετά έκανε τον ενδιάμεσο!
Όταν ο άνθρωπος έχη την Αγάπη, τον Χριστό, και βουβός να είναι ,μπορεί να συνεννοηθή με όλα τα δισεκατομμύρια των λαών και με την κάθε ηλικία των ανθρώπων, που έχει και αυτή την δική της γλώσσα.
Βάλε δυο ανθρώπους που δεν έχουν αγάπη μεταξύ τους να καθήσουν ο ένας δίπλα στον άλλον και να μη μιλούν. Βαλε και δύο άλλους που έχουν αγάπη μεταξύ τους να καθήσουν ο ένας δίπλα στον άλλον και να μη μιλούν και αυτοί. Πώς θα νιώθουν οι μεν και πώς θα νιώθουν οι δε; Και οι πρώτοι δε θα μιλούν και οι δεύτεροι δεν θα μιλούν. Όμως οι δεύτεροι και με την σιωπή θα «μιλούν», γιατί θα υπάρχη επικοινωνία μεταξύ τους. Αντίθετα οι πρώτοι δεν θα μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν ,γιατί ανάμεσά τους θα υπάρχη μόνωση. Όταν δεν υπάρχη αγάπη ,μπορεί δυο άνθρωποι να βρίσκωνται κοντά, αλλά να είναι μακριά ο ένας από τον άλλον.
- Γέροντα, στενοχωριέμαι που ήρθε η ημέρα να φύγετε πάλι από κοντά μας.
- Στην πνευματική ζωή δεν υπάρχη «κοντά» και «μακριά». Την αγάπη του Χριστού δεν την χωρίζουν αποστάσεις ,γιατί ο Χριστός με την αγάπη Του καταργεί τις αποστάσεις. Επομένως , είτε κοντά είτε μακριά βρίσκεται κανείς, νιώθει πάντα κοντά , όταν είναι κοντά στον Χριστό και συνδέεται με τον άλλον αδελφικά με αγάπη Χριστού.
Δοξολογώ τον Θεό που η αγάπη μου είναι τέτοιου είδους ,πνευματική, αγγελική, οπότε οι αποστάσεις καταργούνται και η επαφή θα υπάρχη μαζί σας και σ’ αυτήν την ζωή από μακριά και στην άλλη που είναι ακόμη πιο μακριά, γιατί και εκείνη η απόσταση θα είναι πολύ κοντινή, αφού μας ενώνει η Αγάπη, ο Χριστός.
The elder said: Humility is acquired after struggles. When you know yourself you acquire humility, which become a (permanent) condition. Otherwise one can become humble for a moment, but your thought will say to you that you are something although in reality you're nothing. and you'll be deluded like that to the moment of death. If death finds you with the thought that you are nothing, then God will speak. If however your thought says at the hour of death that you are something and you don't understand it, all your effort goes to waste.
- Γέροντα, γιατί στις γιορτές συνήθως συμβαίνει κάποιος πειρασμός;
- Δεν ξέρεις; Στις γιορτές ο Χριστός, η Παναγία, οι Άγιοι έχουν χαρά και κερνούν, δίνουν ευλογίες, δώρα πνευματικά στους ανθρώπους. Εδώ οι γονείς κερνούν, όταν γιορτάζουν τα παιδιά, η οι βασιλείς χαρίζουν ποινές, όταν γεννιέται κανένα βασιλόπουλο ,οι Άγιοι γιατί να μην κεράσουν; Μάλιστα η χαρά που δίνουν κρατάει πολύ και βοηθιούνται πολύ οι ψυχές. Γι΄ αυτό ο διάβολος ,επειδή το ξέρει αυτό, δημιουργεί πειρασμούς ,για να στερηθούν οι άνθρωποι τα θεία δώρα και να μη χαρούν ούτε να ωφεληθούν από την γιορτή. Και βλέπεις, μερικές φορές στην οικογένεια, όταν σε μια γιορτή ετοιμάζονται όλοι να κοινωνήσουν , τους βάζη ο πειρασμός να μαλώσουν, και όχι μόνο δεν κοινωνούν, αλλά ούτε στην εκκλησία πηγαίνουν. Τα φέρνει έτσι τα πράγματα το ταγκαλάκι, ώστε να στερηθούν όλη την θεία βοήθεια. Αυτό παρατηρείται και στην δική μας ,την καλογερική ζωή. Πολλές φορές το ταγκαλάκι, επειδή γνωρίζει εκ πείρας ότι θα βοηθηθούμε πνευματικά σε κάποια γιορτή, εκείνη την ημέρα, ή μάλλον από την παραμονή , δημιουργεί έναν πειρασμό- σαν πειρασμός που είναι- και μας χαλάει όλη την διάθεση. Μπορεί λ.χ. να μας βάλη να φιλονικήσουμε με ένα αδελφό ,και ύστερα μας θλίβει, μας τσακίζει ψυχικά και σωματικά. Έτσι, δεν μας αφήνει να ωφεληθούμε από την γιορτή με τον χαρούμενο τρόπο της δοξολογίας. Ο Καλός Θεός όμως, όταν δη ότι δεν δώσαμε εμείς αφορμή, αλλά αυτό έγινε μόνον από φθόνο του πονηρού, μας βοηθάει.
Και ακόμη πιο θετικά μας ωφελεί ,όταν εμείς παίρνουμε ταπεινά το σφάλμα επάνω μας και δεν κατηγορούμε όχι μόνον τον αδελφό μας αλλά ούτε και τον μισόκαλο διάβολο, διότι η δουλειά του αυτή είναι: να δημιουργή σκάνδαλα και να σκορπάη κακότητα, ενώ ο άνθρωπος ως εικόνα Θεού πρέπει να σκορπάη ειρήνη και καλωσύνη.
The DAY OF the Last Judgement! That day no one knows -- only God the Father knows -- but its signs are given in the Gospel and in the Apocalypse of the holy Apostle John the Theologian. Revelation speaks of the events at the end of the world and of the Last Judgement primarily in images and in a veiled manner. However, the Holy Fathers have explained these images, and there is an authentic Church tradition that speaks clearly concerning the signs of the approach of the end, and concerning the Last Judgement. Before the end of life on earth there will be agitation, wars, civil war, hunger, earthquakes... Men will suffer from fear, will die from expectation of calamity. There will be no life, no joy of life but a tormented state of falling away from life. Nevertheless there will be a falling away not only from life, but from faith also, and "when the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?" (St. Luke 18:8). Men will become proud, ungrateful, rejecting Divine law. Together with the falling away from life will be a weakening of moral life. There will be an exhaustion of good and an increase of evil.
Of these times, the holy Apostle John the Theologian speaks in his God-inspired work, the Apocalypse. He says that he "was in the Spirit" when he wrote it; this means that the Holy Spirit Himself was in him, when under the form of various images, the fate of the Church and the world was opened to him, and so this is a Divine Revelation.
The Apocalypse represents the fate of the Church in the image of a woman who hides herself in the wilderness: she does not show herself in public life, as today in Russia. In public life, forces that prepare the possibility for the appearance of Antichrist will play the leading role.
Antichrist will be a man, and not the devil incarnate. "Anti" means "old," and it also signifies "in place of" or "against." Antichrist is a man who desires to be in place of Christ, to occupy His place and possess what Christ should possess. He desires to possess the attraction of Christ and authority over the whole world. Moreover, Antichrist will receive that authority before his destruction and the destruction of the world.
What is known of this man -- Antichrist? His precise ancestry is unknown: his father is completely unknown, and his mother a foul pretended virgin. He will be a Jew of the tribe of Dan. He will be very intelligent and endowed with skill in handling people. He will be fascinating and kind. The philosopher Vladimir Soloviev worked a long time at presenting the advent and person of Antichrist. He carefully made use of all material on this question, not only Patristic, but also Moslem, and he worked out a brilliant picture.
Before the advent of Antichrist, there was a preparation in the world, the possibility of his appearance. The mystery of iniquity doth already work (II Thes. 2:7). The forces preparing for his appearance fight above all against the lawful Imperial authority. The holy Apostle Paul says that Antichrist cannot be manifested until what withholdest is taken away (II Thes. 2:6-7). St. John Chrysostom explains that the "withholding one" is the lawful pious authority: such an authority fights with evil. For this reason the "mystery," already at work in the world, fights with this authority; it desires a lawless authority. When the "mystery" decisively achieves that authority, nothing will hinder the appearance of Antichrist any longer.
Fascinating, intelligent, kind, he will be merciful — he will act with mercy and goodness; but not for the sake of mercy and goodness, but for the strengthening of his own authority. When he will have strengthened it to the point where the whole world acknowledges him, then he will reveal his face.
For his capital, he will choose Jerusalem, because it was here that the Savior revealed His Divine teaching and His person. It was here that the entire world was called to the blessedness of goodness and salvation. The world did not acknowledge Christ and crucified Him in Jerusalem; whereas, the whole world will acknowledge the Antichrist’s authority and Jerusalem will become the capital of the world.
Having attained the pinnacle of authority, Antichrist will demand the acknowledgement that he has attained what no earthly power had ever attained or could attain and then demand the worship of himself as a higher being, as a god.
V. Soloviev describes the character of his activity well, as "Supreme Ruler." He will do what is pleasing to all -- on the condition of being recognized as Supreme Authority. He will allow the Church to exist, permit her Divine services, promise to build magnificent churches…. on the condition, that all recognize him as "Supreme Being" and worship him. Antichrist will have a personal hatred for Christ; he will see Him as a rival and look upon Him as a personal enemy. He will live by this hatred and rejoice in men's apostasy from Christ.
Under Antichrist, there will be an immense falling away from the faith. Many bishops will change in faith and in justification will point to the brilliant situation of the Church. The search for compromise will be the characteristic disposition of men. Straight-forwardness of confession will disappear. Men will cleverly justify their fall, and gracious evil will support such a general disposition. There will be the habit of apostasy from truth and the sweetness of compromise and sin in men.
Antichrist will allow men everything, as long as they "fall down and worship him"; and the whole world will submit to him. Then there will appear the two righteous men, who will fearlessly preach the faith and accuse Antichrist. According to Church tradition, they are the two Prophets of the Old Testament, Elijah and Enoch, who did not taste of death, but will taste it now for three days, and in three days they must rise. Their death will call forth the great rejoicing of Antichrist and his servants. Their resurrection will plunge them into great confusion and terror. Then, the end of the world will come.
The Apostle Peter said that the first world was made out of water — an image of the primordial chaos, and perished by water — in the Flood. Now the world is reserved unto fire. The earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up (II Peter 3:5-7, 10). All the elements will ignite. This present world will perish in a single instant. In an instant all will be changed.
Moreover, the Sign of the Son of God, the Sign of the Cross, will appear. The whole world, having willingly submitted to Antichrist, will weep. Everything is finished forever: Antichrist killed, the end of his kingdom of warfare with Christ, the end, and one is held accountable; one must answer to the true God.
"The end of the world" signifies not the annihilation of the world, but its transformation. Everything will be transformed suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye. The dead will rise in new bodies: their own, but renewed, just as the Savior rose in His own body and traces of wounds from the nails and spear were on it, yet it possessed new faculties, and in this sense it was a new body. It is not clear whether this new body will be the same as Adam was made, or whether it will be an entirely new body.
Afterward, the Lord will appear in glory on the clouds. Trumpets will sound, loud, with power! They will sound in the soul and conscience! All will become clear to the human conscience. The Prophet Daniel, speaking of the Last Judgement, relates how the Ancient of Days, the Judge sits on His throne, and before Him is a fiery stream (Daniel 7:9-10). Fire is a purifying element; it burns sin. Woe to a man if sin has become a part of his nature: then the fire will burn the man, himself.
This fire will be kindled within man: seeing the Cross, some will rejoice, but others will fall into confusion, terror and despair. Thus, men will be divided instantly. The very state of a man's soul casts him to one side or the other, to right or to left.
The more consciously and persistently man strives toward God in his life, the greater will be his joy when he hears: "Come unto Me, ye blessed." Conversely: the same words will call the fire of horror and torture to those who did not desire Him, who fled and fought or blasphemed Him during their lifetime!
The Last Judgement knows of no witnesses or written protocols! Everything is inscribed in the souls of men and these records, these "books," are opened at the Judgement. Everything becomes clear to all and to oneself.
Moreover, some will go to joy, while others — to horror.
When "the books are opened," it will become clear that the roots of all vices lie in the human soul. Here is a drunkard or a lecher: when the body has died, some may think that sin is dead too. No! There was an inclination to sin in the soul, and that sin was sweet to the soul, and if the soul has not repented and has not freed itself of the sin, it will come to the Last Judgement with the same desire for sin. It will never satisfy that desire and in that soul there will be the suffering of hatred. It will accuse everyone and everything in its tortured condition; it will hate everyone and everything. "There will be gnashing of teeth" of powerless malice and the unquenchable fire of hatred.
A "fiery gehenna" — such is the inner fire. "There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Such is the state of hell.