Our prayers are not heard because we are not worthy.
Saint Porphyrios tells us that "the slightest murmuring against your neighbor affects your soul and you are unable to pray." We must make ourselves worthy for prayer he advises us. And our unworthiness comes from our inability to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Jesus says,
If you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother holds something against you leave your gift before the altar and go first to be reconciled with your brother and then offer your gift. Matt. 5:23 - 4True prayer is not easy. It is based on a close relationship with God. It requires a self-giving to God and His will.
Saint Porphyrios says,
Those who desire and crave to belong to Christ and who abandon themselves tot he will of God become worthy.This is the greatest spiritual challenge to give up our will and submit it to God's will. It is a necessity to be able to keep all of His commandments. This is the sign of our love of God.
Jesus says,
He who has my commandments and keeps them, he is the one who loves me; and he who loves me shall be loved by my Father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him. John 14:21To be in union with God takes great effort on our part.
The Elder says,
We have to wrestle with the roaring lion.
Saint Porphyrios
Reference: Wounded by Love, p 116